FreeRTOS Tetris
Functions | Variables

Keyboard and mouse event retrieval API. More...

Collaboration diagram for TUM Event API:


int tumEventInit (void)
 Initializes the TUM Event backend. More...
void tumEventExit (void)
 Deinitializes the TUM Event backend.
signed short tumEventGetMouseX (void)
 Returns a copy of the mouse's most recent X coord (in pixels) More...
signed short tumEventGetMouseY (void)
 Returns a copy of the mouse's most recent Y coord (in pixels) More...
signed char tumEventGetMouseLeft (void)
 Returns a copy of the mouse's left button status. More...
signed char tumEventGetMouseRight (void)
 Returns a copy of the mouse's right button status. More...
signed char tumEventGetMouseMiddle (void)
 Returns a copy of the mouse's middle button status. More...
int tumEventFetchEvents (int flags)
 Polls all outstanding SDL Events. Should be called from Draw Loop that holds the OpenGL context. More...


QueueHandle_t buttonInputQueue
 FreeRTOS queue used to obtain a current copy of the keyboard lookup table. More...

Event fetching flags

Flags for tumEventFetchEvents()

Fetching of SDL events can be done in a block, nonblocking as well as GL context checking fashion. See tumEventFetchEvents() for more details.

#define FETCH_EVENT_BLOCK   0b1
#define FETCH_EVENT_NO_GL_CHECK   0b100

Detailed Description

Keyboard and mouse event retrieval API.

API to retrieve event's from the backend SDL library. Events are the movement of the mouse and keypresses. Mouse coordinates are exposed through tumEventGetMouseX and tumEventGetMouseY while keypress events are received by retriving the most recent copy of the button status lookup table exposed through the FreeRTOS queue buttonInputQueue.

buttonInputQueue holds a single array of unsigned chars of the length SDL_NUM_SCANCODES. The scancodes that are defind in the SDL header SDL_scancode.h are used as the indicies when accessing the stored data in the table.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FETCH_EVENT_BLOCK   0b1

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Event fetching should block until events could be fetched


#define FETCH_EVENT_NO_GL_CHECK   0b100

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Event fetching should not check OpenGL context



#include <TUM_Event.h>

Event fetching should not block and return if events could not be fetched

Function Documentation

◆ tumEventFetchEvents()

int tumEventFetchEvents ( int  flags)

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Polls all outstanding SDL Events. Should be called from Draw Loop that holds the OpenGL context.

Events can be retrieved in either a blocking or non-blocking fashion. The flags FETCH_EVENT_BLOCK and FETCH_EVENT_NONBLOCK specify which action is to be taken. flag values that are not FETCH_EVENT_BLOCK or FETCH_EVENT_NONBLOCK will result in nonblocking behaviour.

Events ideally should only be fetched from threads that holds the GL context, obtained using tumDrawBindThread(). Binding a thread has a large overhead and should be avoided. It is unsure if this is absolutly necessary and as such if you would like to fetch events in a non-context holding thread, pass the flag FETCH_EVENT_NO_GL_CHECK to skip this check.

Multiple flags can be used in a 'OR' fashion,


flagsFlags specifying the bahaviour of the function. See FETCH_EVENT_BLOCK, FETCH_EVENT_NONBLOCK and FETCH_EVENT_NO_GL_CHECK
0 on success.

◆ tumEventGetMouseLeft()

signed char tumEventGetMouseLeft ( void  )

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Returns a copy of the mouse's left button status.

Either 1 for pressed or 0 for not pressed.

◆ tumEventGetMouseMiddle()

signed char tumEventGetMouseMiddle ( void  )

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Returns a copy of the mouse's middle button status.

Either 1 for pressed or 0 for not pressed.

◆ tumEventGetMouseRight()

signed char tumEventGetMouseRight ( void  )

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Returns a copy of the mouse's right button status.

Either 1 for pressed or 0 for not pressed.

◆ tumEventGetMouseX()

signed short tumEventGetMouseX ( void  )

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Returns a copy of the mouse's most recent X coord (in pixels)

signed short X axis pixel location of the mouse

◆ tumEventGetMouseY()

signed short tumEventGetMouseY ( void  )

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Returns a copy of the mouse's most recent Y coord (in pixels)

signed short Y axis pixel location of the mouse

◆ tumEventInit()

int tumEventInit ( void  )

#include <TUM_Event.h>

Initializes the TUM Event backend.

0 on success

Variable Documentation

◆ buttonInputQueue

QueueHandle_t buttonInputQueue

#include <TUM_Event.h>

FreeRTOS queue used to obtain a current copy of the keyboard lookup table.

Sends an unsigned char array of length SDL_NUM_SCANCODES. Acts as a lookup table using the SDL scancodes defined in <SDL2/SDL_scancode.h>